Monday, June 10, 2013

London. Seriously.

Well peeps, I made it. Safe and sound.
I just wanted to let you guys in on a little secret though.
If you ever plan on coming to this, the United Kingdom, be prepared to fall deeply in love.
Let me explain why:

  1. The people. They rock. I honestly can't tell you how many friendly humans looked at me like I was the most pitiful creature on the planet trying to pull my two huge bags up about 17,000 flights of stairs and then they offered to help me! Those wonderful wonderful humans. 
  2. The accent. Seriously when the little kids talk... I melt. And when those handsome boys talk you almost want to just die. Nothing's better.
  3. The scenery. I no more got on the tube (that's the underground. Like the subway or the metro... In case you were wondering) and I almost couldn't even contain myself. This place is the most beautiful place my eyes have ever beheld. It's just green everywhere and the architecture is a dream. Seriously straight out of a storybook. I'm telling you. 
  4. The money. Prettiest money I have ever seen. 
  5. The doors. Now normally I wouldn't be such a weirdo and comment on doors. I actually did watch an episode of "30 Rock" on the plane ride in where Lemon was talking about how weird doors are, and it's true they're rather bizarre. However, the Brits separate every room with a door, I think. The kitchen has a door to it. No open floor plans here. I love it. And the front doors don't have handles like American doors do. They're the cutest things.
I've only been in this country a grand total of about 12 hours, but I've never loved anywhere as much as I love this place. You all need to experience this joy. 
Also, here's some pictures. Cause I know that's all you guys really wanted to see. 

I know... There's only two. 
But in my defense, I've been awake for roughly 30 hours. 
Don't judge me. 

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